Monday, September 28, 2009


This past weekend was kinda fun. I brought my gf to the football game here at school. I introduced her to a lot of my friends but she knew a lot of them already like Ashley!!!!! -__- They talked for like 20 minutes and Ashley was SUPER hyper!!! On Saturday, I went to a breakfast with some of my old friends that I hadn't seen a long time. After that, I had my first guitar lessons at Miami Dade College. I really want to learn how to play the guitar, so I look forward to my classes every week. After, I went to the class activity at Pembroke Gardens which was really short. Then, me and my friends rented I love you, man and it was one of the funniest movies I have seen in a while! On Sunday, it was grandpa's birthday so we went to Cancun Grill in Pembroke Pines and they brought him a fried ice cream in some like sweet tortilla thing. It was really good. So, it was a pretty busy weekend.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Well, I might be going to the game today at school and I'm really glad its Friday. Its been a super long week. If I don't go to the game here I'll more than likely go to the game at Mccarthy with my girlfriend. Either way, I'm going to have a good day because I get to see her. :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tragic Loss

Sooo... the Miami Dolphins played against the Colts yesterday. This is the first time in a while that we finally play on Monday Night Football. It was a pretty close game at half time. It was 13-10 and Dolphins were winning and Peyton Manning threw a 20 yard pass with 8 seconds left. From there the Colts were close enough for a field goal and they tried it with 2 seconds left. They made it so we were tied at 13 each. At the end, we ended up losing because of Ted Ginn!!!! He dropped like 3 passes so yeaaa.... :(

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday Bloody Monday

I really didn't want to start school again. The weekend was waaaaay too short for some reason. I have a quiz and a test that I didn't study for so I don't know how I am going to pull that off. I also have an unfinished Algebra II homework because I didn't get some problems. I didn't do much this weekend but I wish I could relive it because I hate going to school!! I like using this face to show my emotions for school -____- Hopefully this week will go by fast.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sept 11-13

This past weekend was one of the funnest weekends I've had in a while. On Friday, I went to buy my girlfriends gift at Pembroke Lakes Mall because her birthday was this past Sunday. On Saturday night, I suprised her because she was going to have a dinner with her family and I told her that I couldn't go but her older sister picked me up, and she was really happy that I went. On Sunday, I went to the beach with her because she stayed at the Edon Roc in Miami Beach. We went to the pool, played volleyball, and then we asked the DJ to announce to the entire hotel that it was her birthday. That's why my weekend was amazing. :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Spiritual Emphasis Week

Spiritual Emphasis Week was very powerful. The speaker George Lockhart is a very good speaker and he is young so thats good. His team is also very good doing their sign language. The worship that he lead was very good and it was different from what we normally do. A lot of people at chapel were not really in the spirit of worshipping but I know there were a few who got touched by his messages, and as long as one person in that whole chapel got to know Christ, that is all that matters. I know personally that God will use George and his team to minister to people in many ways and I'm glad that he got to be here this week for Spiritual Emphasis Week.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Review of My B-Day

Yesterday wuz my b-day and it was the greatest b-day EVER!!!!! I went to go buy a laptop with my mom, and then I thought I was going to have dinner with just my mom and my sister. When I got to the restaurant, all my friends were there and they threw me a suprise dinner!!! On top of that, my dad bought me an iphone and it is the greatest phone ever!!! And I'm not single anymore!! I asked this girl out named Jackie who happens to know Ashley!! So now we're going to go on double dates all the time!! :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Um.... Its my birthday so I consider that uplifting!!! I'm really excited because I can finally get my restricted, and I'm getting a laptop!!!!! I feel really good and so should everyone else because its my BIRTHDAY!!! :)