Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Plans

For my Christmas, I am planning on going to Honduras for the whole break. I am really excited because I get to see all my family and all the people in my uncle's church. Before I leave, my mom is throwing a Christmas party at our house for the Cell Group. We have this party every Christmas and we talk about what we as a Cell Group have done in the past year. Mr. Conn also gives us a huge stocking with lots of candy and chocolate. In Honduras, I play my trombone for my uncle's church. I love spending Christmas over there because my entire family lives over there and they all come together in one house to spend New Years. There's also a lot of food and there is always a huge variety because people bring different types of food every year. I am looking forward to Christmas break not only because of all that, but also there is NO SCHOOL!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Kute Cutz

The flyer basically follows the principles of design. It has good contrast because they put a dark background with a light font that stands out, and also the girl has light blonde hair. Repitition is seen a lot because the tabs on the bottom are all the same size and the twirly brush is seen throughout the image. They do a good job of alignment because since the girl is on the left, they put the text aligned to the right. Also the tabs on the bottom follow one big blue line so the reader has a better line of sight. The proximity is ok because it has the tabs on the bottom, arranging the text in location and then numbers to contact is good also. Overall its a good flyer.