Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Plans

For my Christmas, I am planning on going to Honduras for the whole break. I am really excited because I get to see all my family and all the people in my uncle's church. Before I leave, my mom is throwing a Christmas party at our house for the Cell Group. We have this party every Christmas and we talk about what we as a Cell Group have done in the past year. Mr. Conn also gives us a huge stocking with lots of candy and chocolate. In Honduras, I play my trombone for my uncle's church. I love spending Christmas over there because my entire family lives over there and they all come together in one house to spend New Years. There's also a lot of food and there is always a huge variety because people bring different types of food every year. I am looking forward to Christmas break not only because of all that, but also there is NO SCHOOL!!

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