Friday, August 28, 2009

My Future

I see myself being a succesful lawyer in ten years. I see myself being a graduate from a good university in Boston (hopefully Harvard!). I will have an idea of who my future wife is going to be, and I probably be dating her at that time. She will have to be a Bible believing Christian that's not ashamed of loving God. I will be living in a nice apartment and doing full time Forensic law. I love the area of forensics so I'm more than likely going to study that and get my major in that department. I still see myself being in contact with my closest friends which would be Mike and Jordan. I will still be in touch with my mother and visit her at least once every week. I will be paying for her dream condo at the beach. I see myself attending a church in Boston and hopefully getting involved in the church instead of just being a regular attender. I will exemplify Christ in my law work, and try to spread the message while doing my work as a lawyer. That's basically everything that I picture myself doing in ten years.

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