Monday, August 31, 2009

My WeekEND!

I had a pretty fun weekend. On Friday, I went to the football game here at DCS. I saw a lot of my friends that left the school which is like more than half of them!! I had a lot fun talking to them and hanging out with them. I also saw a lot of teachers who used to teach here at school as well. We also killed the other team 58-0 so that was pretty fun watching our team win. On Saturday, I went to a pool party that me and cell group ( a group of guys that have Bible Study at Mr. Conn's house every Saturday) threw for Mr. Conn's birthday. We had an ice war, played man hunt, and sang kareoke. We made a video for Mr. Conn that was really funny because we were making fun of him and the stuff he usually does. On Sunday, I went to church and then had lunch at some Cuban restaurant. So that was basically my whole weekend in a nutshell!

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