Monday, October 26, 2009

Paranormal Weekend

<---This movie right here was garbage.Paranormal Activity has to be one of the worst movies if not THE worst movie of life! People said it was really scary and that it was suspensful and I have no clue how they got those ideas because it was not scary at all. I have seen comedy movies more scarier than Paranormal Activity. The only reason I saw it was because my girlfriend's older sister wanted to see it even though I really wanted to see Saw VI because I have seen the first 5. So that was Friday , and on Saturday I went to my usual guitar classes, then my usual cell group. After cell group, me and the guys went bowling which was actually pretty fun. When we got back to Mr. Conn's house we had a whipped cream fight and that didn't turn out so well. Then I went home and talked on the phone with Jackie for about 3 hours. On Sunday, I went to church and it was a really good service by Jordan Miller. When I got back home, I knocked out for about 5 hours and then did some homework and went running. Then I saw school of rock on tv which was pretty funny, and thats my weekend in a nut-shell.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This weekend could best be described in one word. SOCIALIZING. On Friday for homecoming, it was a pretty busy day. I won homecoming representative for my grade so I had to come in a suit. I dont like dressing formal but I had to. It was 20 million degrees so I started to sweat before coming out on the field. After I went up, I spent the rest of the time with my girlfriend Jackie. I met a whole bunch of people from her school. I also got to see old friends of mine that left the school. Homecoming was pretty amazing except for the fact that are football team lost!! On Saturday, I had my usual guitar lessons, then we had a pool party at Brett's house for cell group. After that, I went to Jordans house to play x-box and then went home. On sunday I went to church and I was asked how homecoming went by alot of the church members. After church, I went to Johny Rockets for dinner with my mom and aunt. I met even more people there. Lastly, I went to the movies with Jackie at 9:30 even though she had school the next day so the movie ended at about 11. We watched Surrogates which was the worst movie alive!!!! We didn't even pay attention to it because we were talking and we almost got kicked out because we were loud. On Monday, Ashely forced me out of my house to walk with her, even though I didn't want to!!! I ended up meeting my neighbors and they're pretty cool and really nice. The only bad part about my weekend was that Ashley turned my finger purple because she slammed a door on it!!! Other than that, it was a great weekend :)

Monday, October 12, 2009


Allright so I had a pretty busy weekend. On Friday, I went to On The Border with Jackie and a bunch of her friends. I got to meet new people, even though some were pretty weird but I'm not going to get into detail about that. On Saturday, I had my usual guitar lessons and after that was over I had to sprint over to the school to practice a little bit of lipsync. After that, I helped work on our banner with Mrs. Martinez and Mrs. Lowy. Then, there was a mandatory cell group meeting at Mr. Conn's house. We all got chewed out by him but it was worth it because then we saw Year One which was one of the funniest movies of all time. On Sunday, my dad came to pick me and my sister up from church and then I began to take my restrited test online but it's super long. I bought my costume for lipsync which is going to be awesome!!! I'm really excited for Homecoming and especially for the lipsync!

Friday, October 9, 2009

October's Very Own

Well, today I have no idea what I'm going to do. I was planning on going to the game but it's away so I don't think I'm going.I know that I will listen to my favorite album in the whole wide world, which is so far gone by Drake!! On Saturday, I have guitar classes again and my dad came so I'm going to my brothers house for the rest of that day. On Sunday, I'm planning on getting my restricted but it's a four hour test so that is kind of a drag -__- I also need to buy stuff for homecoming which is going to be one of the best weeks this year!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


What I'm most looking forward to in homecoming is definitely the lipsync. I like watching every grades and seeing how creative they are. Even though the Seniors always end up winning out of some "random" chance, it's still pretty competitive. Last year my grade won as freshman, so we are going for the repeat! The second best thing is the powderpuff game between the Seniors and Juniors because it gets pretty intense. I think we have a good chance of winning the game against the Freshman so I'm not looking forward to our game as much. I look forward to the Homecoming game also because a lot of people who used to go to Dade go so it's fun seeing all those people. This year we are going to destroy every other grade!!