Monday, October 26, 2009

Paranormal Weekend

<---This movie right here was garbage.Paranormal Activity has to be one of the worst movies if not THE worst movie of life! People said it was really scary and that it was suspensful and I have no clue how they got those ideas because it was not scary at all. I have seen comedy movies more scarier than Paranormal Activity. The only reason I saw it was because my girlfriend's older sister wanted to see it even though I really wanted to see Saw VI because I have seen the first 5. So that was Friday , and on Saturday I went to my usual guitar classes, then my usual cell group. After cell group, me and the guys went bowling which was actually pretty fun. When we got back to Mr. Conn's house we had a whipped cream fight and that didn't turn out so well. Then I went home and talked on the phone with Jackie for about 3 hours. On Sunday, I went to church and it was a really good service by Jordan Miller. When I got back home, I knocked out for about 5 hours and then did some homework and went running. Then I saw school of rock on tv which was pretty funny, and thats my weekend in a nut-shell.

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