Monday, November 2, 2009


This weekend was soooo long. On Thursday, I slept in and then bought a capo for my guitar at Sam Ash. On Friday, I went to Jackie's house to watch Saw 1 and Saw 2 and it was pretty cool. I love all the Saw movies but Saw 2 is definitely my favorite one. Then after watching those movies, Jackie's parents took me to Chili's and I hadn't been there in about 2 years. On Saturday, I went to my guitar classes for an hour. Then, I dressed up as Danny from Grease, and went to my friend Jordan's house with the rest of the cell group for a costume contest and then we went trick or treating and passed out pamphlets of our church, NTBC. Then, I went to Vane's house for a get together that she has every year on Halloween. I picked up Jackie to go with me, and she was dressed up as Sandy from Grease. On Sunday, I went to the auto show in Miami Beach with Jackie and her parents. I got to see the greatest car of life!!! The Audi R8! Lastly, we went to La Carreta for dinner and it was really good. And that sums up my 5 day weekend. :)

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