Monday, November 16, 2009


This weekend was the annual Wayfest at the Cruzan Amphitheatre but before I get into detail about that, I want to mention that the play at school on Friday was pretty amazing. The Importance of Being Earnest was so funny and the acting was amazing. They were so into their character and that's what makes a good play. On Saturday was Wayfest and it was so much fun but very tiring. We had to be at school at 10 in the morning and we got to the Amphitheatre around 12. We played a huge game of soccer on the huge lawn, then we saw some Christian bands perform. It closed with Casting Crown and they are an amazing band! We left at around 11 and got to school at around 12:30 and we were all dead tired, but it was pretty fun. On Sunday, I got COD: MW2 and it is the greatest game of life!!!

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