Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Plans

For my Christmas, I am planning on going to Honduras for the whole break. I am really excited because I get to see all my family and all the people in my uncle's church. Before I leave, my mom is throwing a Christmas party at our house for the Cell Group. We have this party every Christmas and we talk about what we as a Cell Group have done in the past year. Mr. Conn also gives us a huge stocking with lots of candy and chocolate. In Honduras, I play my trombone for my uncle's church. I love spending Christmas over there because my entire family lives over there and they all come together in one house to spend New Years. There's also a lot of food and there is always a huge variety because people bring different types of food every year. I am looking forward to Christmas break not only because of all that, but also there is NO SCHOOL!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Kute Cutz

The flyer basically follows the principles of design. It has good contrast because they put a dark background with a light font that stands out, and also the girl has light blonde hair. Repitition is seen a lot because the tabs on the bottom are all the same size and the twirly brush is seen throughout the image. They do a good job of alignment because since the girl is on the left, they put the text aligned to the right. Also the tabs on the bottom follow one big blue line so the reader has a better line of sight. The proximity is ok because it has the tabs on the bottom, arranging the text in location and then numbers to contact is good also. Overall its a good flyer.

Monday, November 16, 2009


This weekend was the annual Wayfest at the Cruzan Amphitheatre but before I get into detail about that, I want to mention that the play at school on Friday was pretty amazing. The Importance of Being Earnest was so funny and the acting was amazing. They were so into their character and that's what makes a good play. On Saturday was Wayfest and it was so much fun but very tiring. We had to be at school at 10 in the morning and we got to the Amphitheatre around 12. We played a huge game of soccer on the huge lawn, then we saw some Christian bands perform. It closed with Casting Crown and they are an amazing band! We left at around 11 and got to school at around 12:30 and we were all dead tired, but it was pretty fun. On Sunday, I got COD: MW2 and it is the greatest game of life!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Garage Madness

This weekend I sold things at a garage sale, and it was my first time at a garage sale. My mom used to own a Dollar Store which closed down and we still have a lot of merchandise so she decided to go sell some of it at a friend's garage because they have an annual garage sale all around the neighborhood. Unfortunately I had to sell everything by myself because my mom had to go the fashion show with my little sister. I didn't sell that many items but I made 60 bucks so that turned out pretty good. The only bad thing though was that I had to give up my guitar classes which I love because I want to become the greatest guitar player ever. I wouldn't mind doing another garage sale as long as it doesn't interfere with my guitar lessons.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009


This weekend was soooo long. On Thursday, I slept in and then bought a capo for my guitar at Sam Ash. On Friday, I went to Jackie's house to watch Saw 1 and Saw 2 and it was pretty cool. I love all the Saw movies but Saw 2 is definitely my favorite one. Then after watching those movies, Jackie's parents took me to Chili's and I hadn't been there in about 2 years. On Saturday, I went to my guitar classes for an hour. Then, I dressed up as Danny from Grease, and went to my friend Jordan's house with the rest of the cell group for a costume contest and then we went trick or treating and passed out pamphlets of our church, NTBC. Then, I went to Vane's house for a get together that she has every year on Halloween. I picked up Jackie to go with me, and she was dressed up as Sandy from Grease. On Sunday, I went to the auto show in Miami Beach with Jackie and her parents. I got to see the greatest car of life!!! The Audi R8! Lastly, we went to La Carreta for dinner and it was really good. And that sums up my 5 day weekend. :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Paranormal Weekend

<---This movie right here was garbage.Paranormal Activity has to be one of the worst movies if not THE worst movie of life! People said it was really scary and that it was suspensful and I have no clue how they got those ideas because it was not scary at all. I have seen comedy movies more scarier than Paranormal Activity. The only reason I saw it was because my girlfriend's older sister wanted to see it even though I really wanted to see Saw VI because I have seen the first 5. So that was Friday , and on Saturday I went to my usual guitar classes, then my usual cell group. After cell group, me and the guys went bowling which was actually pretty fun. When we got back to Mr. Conn's house we had a whipped cream fight and that didn't turn out so well. Then I went home and talked on the phone with Jackie for about 3 hours. On Sunday, I went to church and it was a really good service by Jordan Miller. When I got back home, I knocked out for about 5 hours and then did some homework and went running. Then I saw school of rock on tv which was pretty funny, and thats my weekend in a nut-shell.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This weekend could best be described in one word. SOCIALIZING. On Friday for homecoming, it was a pretty busy day. I won homecoming representative for my grade so I had to come in a suit. I dont like dressing formal but I had to. It was 20 million degrees so I started to sweat before coming out on the field. After I went up, I spent the rest of the time with my girlfriend Jackie. I met a whole bunch of people from her school. I also got to see old friends of mine that left the school. Homecoming was pretty amazing except for the fact that are football team lost!! On Saturday, I had my usual guitar lessons, then we had a pool party at Brett's house for cell group. After that, I went to Jordans house to play x-box and then went home. On sunday I went to church and I was asked how homecoming went by alot of the church members. After church, I went to Johny Rockets for dinner with my mom and aunt. I met even more people there. Lastly, I went to the movies with Jackie at 9:30 even though she had school the next day so the movie ended at about 11. We watched Surrogates which was the worst movie alive!!!! We didn't even pay attention to it because we were talking and we almost got kicked out because we were loud. On Monday, Ashely forced me out of my house to walk with her, even though I didn't want to!!! I ended up meeting my neighbors and they're pretty cool and really nice. The only bad part about my weekend was that Ashley turned my finger purple because she slammed a door on it!!! Other than that, it was a great weekend :)

Monday, October 12, 2009


Allright so I had a pretty busy weekend. On Friday, I went to On The Border with Jackie and a bunch of her friends. I got to meet new people, even though some were pretty weird but I'm not going to get into detail about that. On Saturday, I had my usual guitar lessons and after that was over I had to sprint over to the school to practice a little bit of lipsync. After that, I helped work on our banner with Mrs. Martinez and Mrs. Lowy. Then, there was a mandatory cell group meeting at Mr. Conn's house. We all got chewed out by him but it was worth it because then we saw Year One which was one of the funniest movies of all time. On Sunday, my dad came to pick me and my sister up from church and then I began to take my restrited test online but it's super long. I bought my costume for lipsync which is going to be awesome!!! I'm really excited for Homecoming and especially for the lipsync!

Friday, October 9, 2009

October's Very Own

Well, today I have no idea what I'm going to do. I was planning on going to the game but it's away so I don't think I'm going.I know that I will listen to my favorite album in the whole wide world, which is so far gone by Drake!! On Saturday, I have guitar classes again and my dad came so I'm going to my brothers house for the rest of that day. On Sunday, I'm planning on getting my restricted but it's a four hour test so that is kind of a drag -__- I also need to buy stuff for homecoming which is going to be one of the best weeks this year!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


What I'm most looking forward to in homecoming is definitely the lipsync. I like watching every grades and seeing how creative they are. Even though the Seniors always end up winning out of some "random" chance, it's still pretty competitive. Last year my grade won as freshman, so we are going for the repeat! The second best thing is the powderpuff game between the Seniors and Juniors because it gets pretty intense. I think we have a good chance of winning the game against the Freshman so I'm not looking forward to our game as much. I look forward to the Homecoming game also because a lot of people who used to go to Dade go so it's fun seeing all those people. This year we are going to destroy every other grade!!

Monday, September 28, 2009


This past weekend was kinda fun. I brought my gf to the football game here at school. I introduced her to a lot of my friends but she knew a lot of them already like Ashley!!!!! -__- They talked for like 20 minutes and Ashley was SUPER hyper!!! On Saturday, I went to a breakfast with some of my old friends that I hadn't seen a long time. After that, I had my first guitar lessons at Miami Dade College. I really want to learn how to play the guitar, so I look forward to my classes every week. After, I went to the class activity at Pembroke Gardens which was really short. Then, me and my friends rented I love you, man and it was one of the funniest movies I have seen in a while! On Sunday, it was grandpa's birthday so we went to Cancun Grill in Pembroke Pines and they brought him a fried ice cream in some like sweet tortilla thing. It was really good. So, it was a pretty busy weekend.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Well, I might be going to the game today at school and I'm really glad its Friday. Its been a super long week. If I don't go to the game here I'll more than likely go to the game at Mccarthy with my girlfriend. Either way, I'm going to have a good day because I get to see her. :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tragic Loss

Sooo... the Miami Dolphins played against the Colts yesterday. This is the first time in a while that we finally play on Monday Night Football. It was a pretty close game at half time. It was 13-10 and Dolphins were winning and Peyton Manning threw a 20 yard pass with 8 seconds left. From there the Colts were close enough for a field goal and they tried it with 2 seconds left. They made it so we were tied at 13 each. At the end, we ended up losing because of Ted Ginn!!!! He dropped like 3 passes so yeaaa.... :(

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday Bloody Monday

I really didn't want to start school again. The weekend was waaaaay too short for some reason. I have a quiz and a test that I didn't study for so I don't know how I am going to pull that off. I also have an unfinished Algebra II homework because I didn't get some problems. I didn't do much this weekend but I wish I could relive it because I hate going to school!! I like using this face to show my emotions for school -____- Hopefully this week will go by fast.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sept 11-13

This past weekend was one of the funnest weekends I've had in a while. On Friday, I went to buy my girlfriends gift at Pembroke Lakes Mall because her birthday was this past Sunday. On Saturday night, I suprised her because she was going to have a dinner with her family and I told her that I couldn't go but her older sister picked me up, and she was really happy that I went. On Sunday, I went to the beach with her because she stayed at the Edon Roc in Miami Beach. We went to the pool, played volleyball, and then we asked the DJ to announce to the entire hotel that it was her birthday. That's why my weekend was amazing. :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Spiritual Emphasis Week

Spiritual Emphasis Week was very powerful. The speaker George Lockhart is a very good speaker and he is young so thats good. His team is also very good doing their sign language. The worship that he lead was very good and it was different from what we normally do. A lot of people at chapel were not really in the spirit of worshipping but I know there were a few who got touched by his messages, and as long as one person in that whole chapel got to know Christ, that is all that matters. I know personally that God will use George and his team to minister to people in many ways and I'm glad that he got to be here this week for Spiritual Emphasis Week.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Review of My B-Day

Yesterday wuz my b-day and it was the greatest b-day EVER!!!!! I went to go buy a laptop with my mom, and then I thought I was going to have dinner with just my mom and my sister. When I got to the restaurant, all my friends were there and they threw me a suprise dinner!!! On top of that, my dad bought me an iphone and it is the greatest phone ever!!! And I'm not single anymore!! I asked this girl out named Jackie who happens to know Ashley!! So now we're going to go on double dates all the time!! :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Um.... Its my birthday so I consider that uplifting!!! I'm really excited because I can finally get my restricted, and I'm getting a laptop!!!!! I feel really good and so should everyone else because its my BIRTHDAY!!! :)

Monday, August 31, 2009

My WeekEND!

I had a pretty fun weekend. On Friday, I went to the football game here at DCS. I saw a lot of my friends that left the school which is like more than half of them!! I had a lot fun talking to them and hanging out with them. I also saw a lot of teachers who used to teach here at school as well. We also killed the other team 58-0 so that was pretty fun watching our team win. On Saturday, I went to a pool party that me and cell group ( a group of guys that have Bible Study at Mr. Conn's house every Saturday) threw for Mr. Conn's birthday. We had an ice war, played man hunt, and sang kareoke. We made a video for Mr. Conn that was really funny because we were making fun of him and the stuff he usually does. On Sunday, I went to church and then had lunch at some Cuban restaurant. So that was basically my whole weekend in a nutshell!

Friday, August 28, 2009

My Future

I see myself being a succesful lawyer in ten years. I see myself being a graduate from a good university in Boston (hopefully Harvard!). I will have an idea of who my future wife is going to be, and I probably be dating her at that time. She will have to be a Bible believing Christian that's not ashamed of loving God. I will be living in a nice apartment and doing full time Forensic law. I love the area of forensics so I'm more than likely going to study that and get my major in that department. I still see myself being in contact with my closest friends which would be Mike and Jordan. I will still be in touch with my mother and visit her at least once every week. I will be paying for her dream condo at the beach. I see myself attending a church in Boston and hopefully getting involved in the church instead of just being a regular attender. I will exemplify Christ in my law work, and try to spread the message while doing my work as a lawyer. That's basically everything that I picture myself doing in ten years.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Welcome to my W0RLD

Hello, this is my first post ever!! This is the first of many!! And this blog is going to be the greatest ever!! Better than Jasmine Dancy's!! And she's right next to me! :P